Sunday, 19 April 2020

Savitribai Phule - Pioneer of Women Empowerment (Indicator of Political Empowerment of Women: A Comparative Study of Kashmir)

ISBN: 978-93-85968-70-2
(published by Avni Publications - New Delhi) - Pages: 400,  Dated: 2017

Savitribai Phule - Pioneer of Women Empowerment, (Edited by Prof. Gopu Sudhakar)

Mushtaq Ahmad, Uzma, Nayeem- Chapter 1:  Indicator of Political Empowerment of Women: A Comparative Study of Kashmir Region of J&K (Pg. 01-34)

A Comparative Study of Kashmir
Region of J&K1
Mushtaq Ahmad2
Uzma Qadri3
Nayeem Ahmad Bhat4

Empowerment as a process enables women to move from state of gender inequality to the state of gender equality in the society. The empowerment spiral transforms every person involved – the individual, the collective and the environment. The present paper is a comparative study and highlights the Gender Inequality Index (GII), J&K State’s Human Development Index and other socio-economic indicators like demographic status, work participation, health status, literacy level of Kashmiri women with reference to political participation at Panchayat Level. The change in social status among elected women representatives (EWRs) of Panchayats has brought a feeling of empowerment, especially when people approach them for any help at local governance level. The issue here is whether EWRs and Panchayats Kashmir Region can play an effective role in the socio-economic and political empowerment of all weaker sections especially women in villages. This study attempts to analyze the effectiveness of empowerment of women in social, economic and political spheres and highlight the issues, constraints, and challenges therein. Lastly, the authors reach to the conclusion that women’s empowerment is not against men, but against the system of patriarchy and all its manifestations.

Key words: Women, Indicators of Empowerment, Kashmir Region, Panchayats & Political Empowerment

1. The Present paper is the part of major research project titled “Political Empowerment of Women through Panchayati Raj Institutions in Kashmir: Socio-Legal Dimensions” sanctioned by UGC. The financial assistance received for undertaking this project is acknowledged.
2. Professor (Law) & Co-ordinator (Law), Directorate of Distance Education, University of Kashmir and Principal Investigator UGC Major Research Project.
3. Project Fellow UGC -MRP & Research Scholar, Department of Law, University of Kashmir.
4. Junior Research Fellow pursuing Ph.D. under supervision of P.I, on the topic ’Women Empowerment and Welfare Legislation's” Department of Law, University of Kashmir.

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