Sunday, 19 April 2020

Political and Legal Empowerment of Women in India with Special Reference to the Panchayati Raj System in the State of J&K (Indian Bar Review) 2017 Vol. XLIV (1)

Journal: Indian Bar Review
Mushtaq Ahmad, Uzma, Nayeem: Political and Legal Empowerment of Women in India with Special Reference to the Panchayati Raj System in the State of J&K ;Vol. XLIV (1) 2017 ;pp.77 - 102. Article (05).


Published by: Bar Council of India Trust - New Delhi
ISBN: 978-81-931981-0-0


Political and Legal Empowerment of Women in India with Special Reference to the Panchayati Raj System in the State of Jammu and Kashmir[1]
Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad[2]
                                                                           Uzma Qadri[3]
                                                                                                                                            Nayeem Ahmad Bhat[4]
 Discrimination  against  women  or  inequalities  between  men  and  women  has  now  become  global  issue..  There  are  no  reliable  estimates  of  the  extent  and  magnitude  of  women  trafficking  and  commercial  sexual  exploitation.women  is  considered  as  a  liability  because  of  its  faulty  customs,  traditions , lack  of  education,  financial  instability  and  the  lack of  her  own  interest.In fact  Government  had  adopted  such  policies  which  motivate  women to take part in  every social, economic and political task. To  understand  rather  to  improve  the  status  of  women,  she  herself  should  be  ready  for  up-gradation  of  her  position. Bringing women into politics through reservation of seats in the Panchayat Raj institutions and providing constitutional status   was an act of positive discrimination. And these arealso the reasons behind popularity of women empowerment in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. The data on political participation of women is of immense use for planners and policy makers which helps them to evolvebetter schemes and programmes. The quantitative data on women participation is easy to measure in Jammu and Kashmir and   has a long history ofrecording gender statistics for political participation. The challenge is to measure the actual participation of women and filter out the problem of proxy participation which may be prevalent at the grass root level. Efforts are being undertaken todevise measures which would give a truer picture of women's participation in local level politics. This paper traces the position of women in a historical perspective, reviews the gender ideology behind the status of women and their politico-legal empowerment. It also analyzes the political and legal status of women with special emphasis on the Panchayati Raj System in vogue in India and J&K.

Key Words:Gender justice, Law, Panchayats, Women empowerment, United Nations

[1]  The Present paper is the part of major research project titled “Political Empowerment of Women through Panchayati Raj Institutions in Kashmir: Socio-Legal Dimensions” sanctioned by UGC. The financial assistance received for undertaking this project is acknowledged.
[2]  Professor, (Law) & Co-ordinator (Law) Directorate of Distance Education, University of Kashmir and Principal Investigator UGC Major Research Project.
[3]  Project Fellow UGC -MRP & Research Scholar, Department of Law, University of Kashmir.
[4]  Junior Research Fellow pursuing Ph.D., on the topic ‘Empowerment of Women through Labour Welfare Legislations in the State of J&K; Socio-Legal Dimensions.” under supervision of PI, Department of Law, University of Kashmir.

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